Recover Protein
Runs a wizard to recover protein to a plate or tube.
Runs a wizard to rezero the syringes and / or table if they have been obstructed.
MCC Menu
Test MCC Response
Sends a test signal to the MCC which should return the MCC info message for
Rezero All Motors
Forces a rezero of all motors to recalibrate start positions – use in case syringes
or Plateloader was obstructed during use.
Power Down all motors
Turns off power to all motors to allow manual positioning of the table or to stop
the noise produced by the syringe drives. Table will automatically rezero before
next move.
Set PowerDown Delay
Sets the delay before the power is automatically turned off when the table is in
the Home position.
Plateloader Menu
Install Tip
Starts a wizard to install a different tip including the initial height setting for a new