Demo program set up
Click the “RFIDHOST.msi” file in Setup RFIDHOST folder to set up the demo
1. USB Cable connection manual
1) After turn on DOTR-900, connect the device to PC with USB cable.
2) Click “rfidbthost.exe” to operate.
3) Usually, DOTR-900 will be connected automatically with PC.
4) If DOTR-900 does not connect to PC, set up USB driver for proper connection.
5) User can set up driver on “new hardware device found” message.
6) If user can not find message, use driver software update in device manager.
7) Above are not working properly, please delete demo program and try 1) to 6)
2. Bluetooth connection manual
1) Search DOTR-900 with Bluetooth manager on your PC.
2) Add DOTR-900.(connection code : 1234)
3) Click “rfidbthost.exe” to operate.
4) If DOTR-900 does not connected to PC, please check comport.
5) Comport checking is available in “device and printer.” Check hard ware tab for
proper device adding.
Comport can be different depend on host devices (Usually R900 uses COM4)
Extra gender is needed for computer that 64bit OS is installed in. The gender is
not included in the package
Learning Basics
Connecting to PC