Safety Station Technical Service Manual
GD-99009 Rev. B
Rou t in e Ma in t en an c e
F r on t P anel Rem ov al
Remove the two screws, one on each side near the top of the panel, and pull the cover forward at the top. Unhook the
ground wire that is attached to the front panel from the cabinet, and then lift the panel off of is mounting fingers to
completely remove.
F i reb ox /A c cess Cove rs
Call DMS at 1-888-466-6633 prior to removing or servicing any components that require firebox/access covers to be
removed. Removal of firebox/access covers will allow access to the electrical components underneath. Once removed
the possibility of electrical shock is present. Use caution when performing any service to these components. Each unit
has four firebox/access covers as described below:
Left-Side Dump Mechanism Access Cover
Located on the left side exterior of the cabinet. Note: This panel has a ground wire attached to it.
Right-Side Dump Mechanism Access Cover
Located on the right side exterior of the cabinet. Note: This panel has a ground wire attached to it.
Cold Water Board Cover
Located inside the unit on the right side panel above cold water manifold.
Main ICB and Power Supply Board Cover
Located inside the unit on the left side panel.
I ns pe c ti ons
Regularly visually inspect the unit for any signs of damaged or leaking components. If any problems are found, contact
Customer Service at 1-888-466-6633 to report findings.