How to use the adjusting bolt on the tail
stock body
Loosen the front tail stock gib bolt by two
turns, and tighten the rear gib bolt.
▪ Since the tail stock gib is of the taper type
that contacts the tail stock body tightly on
the base, you should loosen the bolt
slightly to make room for work.
With the
L-wrench, loosen the tail stock
body adjusting bolt (BQD 10×25) to adjust
the front/rear positions of the tail stock body.
▪ If you tighten the set-screw, the tail stock
moves forward. Loosen it to move the tail
stock backward.
9.4 Precision on the tool post
When the precision work on the spindle is completed, adjust the accuracy of the tool post
based on the spindle.
1) To measure the accuracy of the tool post body
Install the indicator on the check or bed and
present the gauge to the tool holder. While
moving the Z axis, measure the parallelism.
▪ If the measurement is more than 0.01mm for
the whole stroke, you should correct the
2) Precision work on the tool post body
Remove the X
-axis sliding cover and tool post cover, and loosen the tool post body
bolts (7 - BB16×75) slightly.
Remove the cover between tool post body and cross slide.
Use the tool post body adjusting bolt to fi
ne-tune the body so that the Z-axis
parallelism on the tool holder area of the turret falls below 0.01mm.
If you get a satisfactory result, tighten up the tool post body bolts (7
- BB16×75).
Tail Stock
Gib Adjusting
Tail Stock Body
Adjusting Bolt