RP_RPH Baghouse
Pulse Solenoid
This converts an electrical signal from the timer to the mechanical release of air from the secondary diaphragm for a prescribed
duration during each pulse.
Diaphragm Primary
The large diaphragm mounted directly to the air tank under the large cast aluminum cap. This is actuated by the secondary
diaphragm and releases compressed air to the arm assembly and pulse the filters.
Diaphragm Secondary
The small diaphragm mounted between the solenoid and primary diaphragm. This is actuated by the solenoid and triggers release
of compressed air by the primary diaphragm.
Sensor Switch and Target
A sensor switch and targeting magnet that work in combination to provide the controller both arm position and speed to ensure
proper pulse alignment and proper timing between pulses.
Cleaning Logic
Using signals from the Sensor Switch and Target, the Cleaning Logic Controller sets the time delay between pulses and adjusts
pulse duration to ensure all filters are pulsed on their centerline within four minutes, while avoiding situations where a filter is
cleaned adjacent to a recently cleaned filter.
Spiral strip starting at the inlet and spiraling down to the top of the hopper at 180 deg. Helps encourage small particulate
preseparation and prevent dust migration upward towards the filter section.
Two flat perpendicular surfaces in the lower hopper that disrupt the cyclonic action to improve dropout and terminate the cyclonic
action before entering the dust disposal system.
EvenFlow Baffles™
Engineered vanes which reduce the cyclonic swirl of the airflow and provide more uniform flow into the Dirty Air Plenum section
containing the filters.