Page 14
REV. 2014-11
Using the handle to open the door
Turn the handle
to lock or unlock
the door
Never leave the handle on the
door during a fire.
Using the handle to open the door
Turn the handle
to lock or unlock
the door
Never leave the handle on the
door during a fire.
the air intake control must be fully open. Always
3.3 Recommended wood species:
For an
use a firescreen with an open fire. Note that the
efficient and economical operation, use only dry
air intake control is inoperative when the door is
hardwood such as maple, oak, wild cherry, birch,
etc. The use of dry hardwood reduces creosote
formation. Avoid softwoods, coniferous and
4.3 Controlled combustion fires:
First, follow
green woods. These produce a lot of creosote.
the instructions at 4.2 for open fires. Later,
following the formation of embers, the flame will
3.4 Green wood:
If your firewood is too green,
be less intense, the chimney flue warmer and you
place it in a well ventilated space, sheltered from
will be able to close gradually the sliding smoke
rain, as long as necessary to allow it to dry. Dry
damper. You will also be able to close gradually
wood is easy to identify: it is cracked at the ends
the air intake control to increase the heating
and much lighter because it contains less water.
power of the fire.
4.4 How to start a fire:
To light a good fire,
begin by placing 4 or 5 newspaper balls in the
fireplace. Next, place 5 to 8 small pieces of dry
firewood over the newspaper. Then add 2 or 3
small-sized logs. Light the newspaper in 4 or 5
spots. When the small firewood begins to burn,
add 1 or 2 medium-sized logs.
4.5 Firescreen is mandatory when the insert is
used with an open door:
In order to prevent
dangerous spark discharges and falling embers,
always use a firescreen (supplied separately - not
shipped with the insert) when making an open
4.6 Preventing overfiring:
Don't overload your
fireplace. Don't make fast and hot fires (such as
those using only paper, cardboard or small wood).
These fires can generate very high temperatures
that may damage your chimney if they last longer
than 2 minutes.
4.1 Opening the HE smoke sliding damper:
Before lighting a fire, completely open the smoke
sliding damper. Use the provided handle as
indicated in
Drawings 21
4.2 Open fires:
The smoke sliding damper and
4. The fire