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To adjust the rope to the appropriate length, hold the rope in front of you by the handles.
Place a foot in the middle to force it to the ground.
Pull the handles upward. They should come to the height of your chest.
Shorten the rope if they go too high
To shorten the rope, remove the cover at the end of the handles. Pull the rope and cut it to the desired
length. Place the iron ring back with pliers at the end of the rope and put the cover back.

A few tips before starting :

- Make sure you have the adequate shoes.
- Never skip barefoot.
- Jump on tiptoes. Avoid having the heels hit the ground.
- Start without rope and in music, lightly balancing the flexible body from one foot to the other, so as to
take the time to organize your movements.

1 - 

Hop slowly

with the rope for twenty seconds, being twenty jumps, and continue twenty other

jumps without the rope. Always remain flexible, wrists far from the body doing a rotating movement,
without shrugging the shoulders.
2 - 

Pass to thirty seconds/jumps

, the rhythm acquired, and progressively improve your time till you

are capable of doing three series of three minutes every day, alternating with one minute of rest.
3 - 

Complicate by lifting the knees higher

, for another three minutes, it is good for the abdomi-

nals and the lower back.
4 – 

Relax a minute and a half

, by laying the rope down. Hop from one foot to the other and release

the shoulder, arms and legs muscles by breathing out completely.
5- Redo for one minute the knee lifting sequence, with and without rope, by breathing in and out to
chain with endurance work.
6 - 

Jump standing, legs together

, so as to distribute the body’s weight by associating knees and

ankles, heels away from the ground, points barely rising at the passage of the rope, thus limiting ef-
forts and impacts. Hold for three minutes. 
7 - 

Relax anew

before starting stretching.

8 - 


the calves each in turn, one leg backwards and bending on the other. Then the thighs, first

by folding the knee, the foot touching the buttock, on each side. And then slitting. Then the legs, one
tense, the other slightly folded hand underneath, pulling backward. Next, legs crossed, stretch the
arms raising them toward the ceiling, each in turn.
9 - 


with the back by rounding it arms in front to relax the paravertebral muscles.





You will quickly find it amusing and practiced regularly 

you will feel physically fit!


The basic jump (1) :

Standing, abdominals contracted.
Make the rope turn above your head. When the rope comes down
in front of you jump with both feet.
Do not lift the feet too much. A few centimeters to let the rope pass
are sufficient. Repeat the exercise.

The boxing jump (2) :

Start as for the basic jump.
And alternately pass on one foot and the other. 
Change legs at each turn of the rope.
Afterwards you can jump several times on a same leg.

The running jump (3) :

Start as for the basic jump, and then quickly apply a running
Alternately pass from one foot to the other as if you were running.

The side jump (4) :

Start as for the basic jump.
Remain on both feet and alternatively jump to the right and to the
left at each rope turn.

The double jump (5) :

Start as for the basic jump.
Then after a few warm-up jumps, jump much higher and do two 
successive rope turns.

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