1. Unpacking Freezer
Remove wood crating, lumber skids and waterproof plastic cover. DO
NOT REMOVE internal shipping and plate bracing until unit has been
positioned and l eveled in its permanent location.
2. Locating Freezer
The floor on which the unit is to be installed should be capable of
supporting a 250-psi load. Overall dimensions of the Freze-Cel are 86
inches high, 73-1/2 inches deep and 78 inches wide. By removing the
cabinet doors, the freezer can pass through a 67-1/2 inch wide opening;
by removing the freezer hardware, it will pass through a 64-inch opening.
The freezer should be located to assure that at least one set of doors can
be opened for loading and unloading products. The freezer can be
operated in a pass thru fashion that permits loading through one set of
doors and unloading products through the other set.
Sufficient room should be provided on both sides of the freezer to permit
the removal of a cabinet side to service hoses and on the other side for
servicing the compressor, hydraulic pump, control units, filter/dryer, water
regulating valve, solenoid valves, etc.
Room should be provided for rodding the condenser. This space, a
minimum of fifty (50) inches, may be on either side of the unit.
3. Leveling Freezer
Once the freezer is set in place, screw the four bolts provided into the nuts
on the base skid, and level the unit.
IMPORTANT: Freezer must be level for satisfactory performance.
Once the freezer is leveled, shim or grout under the skid to prevent the
unit from permanently resting on the leveling screws.
4. Connecting Utilities
A. Electrical Connection
The system power line and fused disconnect switch (supplied by
the customer) should be installed in compliance with local, state,
national or applicable shipboard electrical codes. Refer to Figure 2
for installation and servicing.