Pull gently on the leash to get your dog’s attention.
As soon as you begin to
pull, give the “Look” command while pressing the ((V)) button.
As soon as your dog makes eye contact release the ((V)) button and the
pressure from the leash.
Repeat this action in different locations with different distractions until your
dog responds quickly and reliably to the vibration and your command.
Reward with praise every time your dog responds correctly.
Step 3 - Off Leash with the BigLeash Remote Trainer
Turn on your BigLeash and put the receiver collar on your dog’s neck.
Set your transmitter to the lowest level that gets a response from your dog.
Without the leash, let your dog wander in a safe area and give the “Look”
command at the same time you press and hold down the ((V)) button.
As soon as your dog makes eye contact with you, release the ((V)) button,
and follow with praise.
Use the vibration signal in conjunction with your command to reinforce the
training as needed or to get your dog’s attention when he is too far away to
hear your command.
Learning Other Commands
As your dog’s performance level improves with the “Look” command, you and
your dog are now ready to move on to other commands such as “Sit”, “Heel”,
“Come” and “Down”. With each new command, you and your dog must go
through the three training steps. Your goal is to achieve a consistent and quick
response to your verbal command, reinforced, when needed, by use of the
vibration signal in conjunction with the verbal command.