Training Basics
The ‘Look’ Command
The ‘Look’ Command is the foundation of BigLeash training. Your goal is to train
your dog to respond to the vibration signal by directing his attention to you, even
when he is not close enough to hear your verbal command. When you have his
attention, you can then successfully deliver other commands.
Step 1 - On Leash
Attach a long leash to your dog’s collar and allow him to wander freely around
you to become accustomed to being on the long leash.
To begin training, gently pull in the leash to create a slight tension in the leash
and at the same time say “look,” encouraging your dog to move towards you
and make eye contact.
As soon as your dog makes eye contact with you, release the pressure from
the leash and praise your dog with a happy voice.
Repeat this action in different locations with different distractions until your
dog responds quickly to the command.
Have your dog wear the BigLeash collar during this Step so that he becomes
accustomed to the collar before you start using it.
Step 2 - On Leash with Introduction to Vibration
Turn on your BigLeash transmitter and receiver.
With the long leash still connected to your dog’s collar, place the BigLeash
vibration collar on your dog. Put the collar around your dog’s neck right
behind the ears where it will provide the snuggest fit.
Set your transmitter to the lowest level that gets a response from your dog.
(See Page 6.)