Screen Select Menu
UV Service Screen
2. Screen Select Menu: This menu is accessed through the function button on any screen and allows navigating to the
other HMI screens.
3. UV Service Screen: Contains countdown timers that track the hours remaining until service is due on listed UV
components. Once service is complete, the user will use the specific function button to reset the corresponding service
countdown timer. The hours remaining on the countdown timers are used to determine service messaging and alert
• More than 10% remaining = no banner message
• 10% remaining = “SERVICE SOON” banner message
• 5% remaining = “SERVICE REQUIRED” banner message
• 0% remaining = “SERVICE PAST DUE” alert banner message with yellow screen background
4. Ozone Service Screen: Contains countdown timers that track the hours remaining until service is due on listed ozone
components (model dependent). The same method as described in Section 3B-2.3 is used to determine and reset
service messaging and alert reminders for listed ozone components.
Ozone Service Screen