WP-2 Bubble Fog Machine
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Review in the scope of the acceptance test at least every four years by
an expert.
Inspection by an expert at least once a year
How to proceed with overhead attachment:
Ideally, the device should be installed outside of the area where people are.
A high level of experience is required for overhead mounting. This
includes knowledge of working load calculations, knowledge of the
installation material used and knowledge of safety inspections of the material
used and the equipment, but the experience required is not limited to this
alone. Under no circumstances should you attempt the installation yourself
unless you are suitably qualified. Instead, hire a professional installer. Please
note that improper installation may result in personal injury and/or property
The device must not be installed within the reach of persons.
If the device is to be suspended from the ceiling or from high supports, work
must be carried out with truss systems. The device must never be installed in
such a way that it can swing freely in space.
Please note: Devices can cause serious injuries if they fall! If you have doubts
about the safety of a possible form of installation, then do NOT install the
Before mounting the device, ensure that the mounting surface is capable of
supporting at least ten times the point load of the device's own weight.
Mount the device with the mounting bracket on a truss system using suitable
lifting gear.
When installing overhead, ensure that the device is always secured with a
safety rope that can carry twelve times the weight of the device. Only safety
arrester ropes with screw links are to be used. Hang the safety catch rope in
the catch rope hole in the mounting bracket or on the device. Route the
rope over the truss or other secure attachment point. Hook the end into the
screw link and tighten the locking nut securely.
The maximum fall distance of 20 cm must not be exceeded!
A safety arrester rope that has been subjected to the stress of a fall or that has
been damaged must no longer be used as a safety arrester rope. Adjust the
angle of inclination using the mounting bracket and tighten the locking