DMX console control
1. Set nozzle straight up
(CH1 Angle = 128, CH2 Speed = 0, CH3 Ignition = 0, CH4 Opening time = 0, CH5 Program sequence = 0, CH6 Firing mode = 50~200)
2. Set preset Sequence No. 31 (CH1 Angle = 128, CH2 Speed = 0, CH3 Ignition = 0, CH4 Opening time = 0, CH5 Program sequence DMX
value = 94 , CH6 Firing mode = 50~200)
3.Ignition (CH1 Angle = 128,CH2 Speed = 0,CH3 Ignition = 255,CH4 Opening time = 0,CH5 Program sequence DMX value =94 ,
CH6 Firing mode = 50~200)
Note: After firing, the DMX value of CH3 must back to 0, before an ignition can be made again. CH1 determines the nozzle direction
after firing.
Example of set Wave Flame effect not from preset-sequence
1. Set nozzle to the start point (CH1 Angle = 0, CH2 Speed = 255, CH3 Ignition = 0,CH4 Opening time = 0,CH5 Program sequence = 0,
CH6 Firing mode = 50~200)
2. Set moving speed (CH1 Angle = 0, CH2 Speed = 50, CH3 Ignition = 0,CH4 Opening time = 0,CH5 Program sequence = 0,CH6 Firing
mode = 50~200)
3. Set firing end point and ignition (CH1 Angle = 255, CH2 Speed = 50, CH3 Ignition = 255, CH4 Opening time = 0,CH5 Program
sequence = 0,CH6 Firing mode = 50~200)
4. Firing Nozzle will firing and make movement from start point to end point
Note: After firing, The DMX value of CH3 must back to 0, before an ignition can be made again. Make sure CH 5 =0~2.
Example of firing with fixed duration
1. Set nozzle straight up (CH1 Angle = 128, CH2 Speed = 0, CH3 Ignition = 0, CH4 Opening time = 0, CH5 Program sequence = 0,CH6
Firing mode = 50~200)
2. Set firing duration 1s (CH1 Angle = 128, CH2 Speed = 0, CH3 Ignition = 0, CH4 Opening time = 100, CH5 Program sequence = 0,CH6
Firing mode = 50~200) (Note: Opening time = DMX value * 10ms [1s])
3. Firing 1s (CH1 Angle = 128, CH2 Speed = 0, CH3 Ignition = 255, CH4 Opening time = 100,CH5 Program sequence = 0, CH6 Firing
mode = 50~200)
Note: After firing, The DMX value of CH3 must back to 0, before an ignition can be made again
1. To maintain the system in good performance and running status, it is recommended to running the device at least once per month.
2. In order to lubricate the pipeline and pump it is highly necessary to add 10-20ml castor oil per 10L canister.
It must not be pressurized without fuel in the tank, otherwise it will cause damage to the main board and
the pump.
CH6: Mode setup
DMX Value
Pressure Relief Mode
Firing Mode
Pressure Relief Mode