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The yaw stickcontrols the aircraft rudder.
Push the stickleft and the aircraft will rotate counter
Push the stickright and the aircraft willrotate
clock-wise.If the stick is centered, the aircraft will
always fly in the same direction.
The command stick controls the rotating angular
velocity of the aircraft. Increasing movement of the
command stick results in fasteraircraft rotation
The pitchstickcontrols the aircraft’sfront & back
Push the stick up and the aircraft willpitchand fly
Pullthe stickdown and the aircraft willpitchand
flybackward.The aircraft will keep level and straight
if the stick is centered.
Increasing movement of the command stick will
result in a largerpitch angle (maximum is 35
˚) and
faster flight velocity.
The rollstick controls the aircraft left &rightpitch.
Push the stickleft and the aircraft will pitchand fly
left.Pushthe stick right and the aircraft willpitch and
flyright.The aircraft will keep level and straight if the
stick is centered.
Increasing movement of the command stick will
result in a largerpitch angle (maximum is 35
˚) and
faster flight velocity.
Position-1 Position-2 Position-3
S1 is for compass calibration. Toggle the S1 from
position-1 to position-3 and back to position-1
about 6 to 10 times which will force the aircraft to
enter into compass calibration mode.
In Naza-M mode, the S1 switch is used to switch
control mode and compass calibration.
Position-1 Position-2 Position-3
S2 is used to record Home point manually. After a
Home point is automatically recorded, quickly
flipping the S2 switch of the remote controller from
upper most to lower most positions 5 times or more
will reset the current aircraft position as a new
home point of PHANTOM 2 .
InNaza-M mode, S2 is involved in IOC function.
For ‘Ready to Fly’ the aircraft will hover (hold a stable horizontal position) when all sticks are