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5.4 AntennaOrientation
Try to keep the antenna pointingskyward, perpendicular to the ground, in order to achieve the maximum
communication range during flight.
The rem ote controller’s
antenna should be pointing
skyw ard w ith no obstacles in
the w ay.
O therw ise
Failsafe function m ay initialize
prem aturely during flight.
The M obile D evice and R ange
Extender should not block
the antenna.
5.5 Remote Controller Operation
The remote controller default is set to Mode 2 before delivery, follow descriptions takes Mode 2 for example.
Stick Neutral/ mid point:Control sticks of theremote controller are placedatthe central position.
Move the Stick:The stick of remote controller is pushed away from the central position.
Remote Controller
(Mode 2)
nose direction
Operation details
The throttle stickcontrolsthe aircraft elevation.
Push the stickup and the aircraft will ascend.
Pullthe stickdown and the aircraft will descend.
The aircraft will automatically hover and hold its
height when bothsticksare centered.
Push the throttle stickupward beyondthe centered
(neutral) position to take off the aircraft. We suggest
that you push the throttle stickgently to prevent the
aircraft from sudden and unexpectedelevation.