Operating instructions
cod. 1592011000
1592011000 XC706M GB 31-08-2001
rel. 1.0
Pa. 11 / 23
5.2 Operative parameters - compressors section
Date and time
Minutes set (0÷59)
HoUr .
Hour set (0÷23)
dAY: Day set (0÷31)
ndAy Day of the week ((Sun=Sunday; Mon=Monday; tuE=Tuesday; Ued=Wednesday;
thu=Thursday; Frd=Friday; SAt=Saturday);
Mont Month (0÷12)
YAr Year (2000 ÷ 2099)
Measurement unit and regulation type
dEU: Default measurement unit for displaying
bar=Bar; °C=°C)
The dEU parameter sets the measurement unit also for these parameters: Pbd, LSE,
HSE, LAL, HAL. After modifying this parameter check the set point and the
parameters Pbd, LSE, HSE, LAL, HAL.
Pbd: Proportional band or neutral zone width (0.10÷5.00 bar).
Set the dEU par. and the target set point before setting this parameter. The band (or
zone) is symmetrical compared to the target set point, with extremes: set+Pbd/2 ... set-
Pbd/2. The measurement unit depends on the dEU par.
Minimum time between 2 following switching ON of the same compressor
(0÷255 min).
Minimum time between the switching off of a compressor and the following
switching on. (0÷255min).
Note: usually onon is greater than oFon.
Cdn: don and doF equal for all the compressors.
YES: don and doF equal for all the compressors:
no: don and doF different for each compressor. In this case there are as don1, don2...
and doF1, doF2... as the compressors are.
Time delay between the insertion of the first compressor and the following one.
(It is present only if Cdn=no) (0÷255 sec)
Time delay between the insertion of the sixth compressor and the following
one. (It is present only if Cdn=no) (0÷255 sec)
Time delay between the switching off of the first compressor and the following
one. (It is present only if Cdn=no) (0÷255 sec)
Time delay between the switching off of the sixth compressor and the following
one. (It is present only if Cdn=no) (0÷255 sec)
don: Time delay between the insertion of two different compressors. (It is present only if
Cdn=yES) (0÷255 sec)
doF: Time delay between switching off of two different compressors. (It is present only if
Cdn=yES (0÷255 sec)
Minimum time a stage stays switched ON (0÷255 s)
FdLy: “don” delay enabled also for the first call. If enabled the triggering of the step is
delayed for a “don” value, respect to the call. (no = “don” not enabled; yES=”don”