Please remove the protective foil before attaching the adhesive electrodes. The
adhesive strength of the electrodes depends on the condition of the skin, position
and number of applications. If the adhesive electrodes no longer completely stick
on the surface of the skin, they must be replaced with new adhesive electrodes.
The adhesive electrodes must make contact across the entire electrode surface in
order to avoid the formation of isolated current densities, which could lead to
burns to the skin. Replace the protective foil after using of the device.
The snore stopper may not be used on parts of the body where the skin is
inflamed and open and fresh wounds are present.
Every person reacts differently to an electric stimulation. If the therapy is not
successful, please seek medical advice.
The adhesive electrodes are attached to the snore stopper by the adhesive
properties of the electrodes.
Please ensure that the device has been switched off during the application of the
adhesive electrodes and the strapping on and removal of the snore stopper.
Before using the device, the areas of skin intended for the adhesive electrodes
must be thoroughly cleaned and dried. The skin must be greaseless and clean.
Using the snore stopper may result in skin irritations under certain circumstances.
If skin irritations, e.g. redness, blisters or itching, occur, the snore stopper should
no longer be used! Do not use the snore stopper permanently on the wrist, as this
could lead to skin irritations.
If you want to reposition the snore stopper during use, make sure that you switch
off the device first.
The adhesive electrodes may only be attached to the snore stopper. Please ensure
that the device has been switched off during the application or removal of the
adhesive electrodes.
3.8 Using the snore stopper
Keep the snore stopper out of the reach of children. Children could swallow the
small parts and choke. Children could hurt themselves when using the snore
The snore stopper must be stored out of the reach of children and adolescents
younger than 18 years of age.
Children may not be treated with this snore stopper.
3.7 Usage by children and adolescents
Do not use the snore stopper if you could hurt yourself as a result of a sudden
Please consult your doctor before using the snore stopper in the following
circumstances: a. acute diseases, b. sleep disturbances, c. infectious diseases, d.
fever, e. blood pressure problems, f. skin diseases, g. after an accident, h. nausea
or dizziness, i. onset of illnesses, j. if anomalies occur, k. pain of inexplicable
cause, l. diabetes, m. seizures, n. breathing pauses during sleep, o. if pain is not
experienced in some parts of the body, p. during pregnancy, q. persons with
metal and implants in the body.