background image

Where to go for additional information:

  • Press and release the MENU button and then select “Help.”


  • Channel 101





6.  Selecting a Favorites List  

  to Display on Your Program Guide



a.  Press and release the GUIDE button twice.





b.  Press and release the CHANNEL UP/ 


  DOWN buttons to choose the Favorites  


  List you would like to see, then press  


  and release the SELECT button.


Additional Tips


Setting Parental Controls:

  a. Press and release the MENU button.
  b. Select “Settings” and then select “Parental Controls.” 
  c. Select “TV1 Restrictions” and choose from the pre-set locks for a 
    high, medium, or low restriction level, or select “Custom” to 
    customize restrictions.
      • To mirror these settings for the remote viewing location on a 
        computer or mobile device:

a. Select “Apply these settings to Remote Viewing (PC/Mobile).”


b. Select “Yes.”

  d. Scroll up and select “Parental Controls” and then select “On.”
  e. Enter and confirm the 4-digit password you wish to set.

f.   Select “Save.”


  Setting Closed Captioning:

  a. Press and release the MENU button.
  b. Select “Settings” and then select “Closed Captioning.”
  c. Scroll to the Closed Captioning box and select “On.”
  d. Select “Save.”


- OR -

- OR -

5. Changing Channels


There are three ways to change channels on your receiver.


  Type a channel number using the

    number buttons on the keypad.  






   Press and release the  

    CHANNEL UP/DOWN buttons. 



     Use the Program Guide.


a.  Press and release the GUIDE button.




    b.  Press and release the CHANNEL UP/ 

         DOWN or the PAGE UP/DOWN  

         buttons to highlight the channel you  

         want to watch.



    c.  Press and release the  


  SELECT button.



7.  Exiting On-Screen Menus


When you’re in an on-screen menu, it’s easy  


to exit the on-screen menu and return to the  


program you were watching. 




a.  To exit an on-screen menu, press and  


  release the VIEW LIVE TV button.

The TV is on a menu screen.

The menu screen is exited and 

a TV picture appears.


75% of all technical problems that an agent can help you with  
can be solved by following these five easy steps:

1. Make sure your DISH remote is in SAT mode.
2.  Make sure your TV is on the correct input/channel. 
3. Make sure you’re on the correct Favorites List. 
4.  Check for anything obstructing the signal to your satellite  

   dish, such as tree branches, severe rain, or snow build-up.   

   If it is safe to do so, remove the obstruction or wait for it  


to pass.

5.  Reset your receiver by unplugging it from the wall for 10  

   seconds. Plug it back in and turn it on.

The TV changes to the  

highlighted channel.

The TV channel changes.

The Program Guide appears.

The Program Guide indicates 

which list you are on.  If you  

are on the All Available  

list, channels shown in red 

are not included in  

your subscription.

The TV channel changes.

The Program Guide  

moves up or down.




The Cancel button on your DISH remote is another 

option for exiting one on-screen menu at a time.

The Favorites List drop down 

menu appears.

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