User Guide 1.0
Asynchronous Mode
- When source content size is less than system memory
1. Power on the duplicator, if not already on.
2. Scroll to select Copy, Compare, or Copy+Compare from the menu and press ENT.
3. Insert the source drive into the upper left most port designated by a rectangular white
border and press ENT. The system will start to read and copy the source content into
system memory if the content is smaller than system memory and in one of the
supported file formats.
3. Scroll to select Copy, Compare, or Copy+Compare from menu and press ENT.
4. Insert target drive(s). The LCD will show the number of target drive(s) inserted.
USB(963M) 450M
3 ready
5. After the desired number of target drive(s) are inserted, press ENT to execute the function.
Or when all writer trays are loaded with target drive(s), the system will automatically start
the function.
15% 0:32 68M
Content size
Progressed size
Progressed time and percentage
Note: When the system is busy in a process, the green LED light will be blinking.
When the process is completed, the green LED will become steady. In case of error
occurrence, the red LED will turn on.
Reading ....
Reading source data into system memory