Operating Instruction
②Then use “UP””DOWN”button to select“Switching”
③Press“ENTER”enter next page
④Press “UP””DOWN”button to select the output(The fifth port means ALL)
⑥Press “UP””DOWN”to select the input
⑦Press“ENTER”,Switching Done
2.Video On/Off
Turn on/off any output video or all outputs video
①Select“Video”in the menu and press“ENTER”
②Then use “UP””DOWN”button to select“On/Off”
③Press“ENTER”enter next page
④Press “UP””DOWN”button to select the output(The 5th port means ALL)
⑤Press“ENTER”to select the Output 1~5
⑥Press “UP””DOWN”to select “On”or “Off”
⑦Press“ENTER”,Switching Done