Vehicle Tracking quick start guide
© 2011 ... Directions Ltd
Sending data packets to GPRS server
- this controls how often live positions are sent to the server
from the VTU.
GPRS enabled
- enable VTU to communicate through GPRS
enabled - Allow roaming when abroad. Please note that this can be expensive.
send stored positions
- If you enable this option then history will also be sent, as well as live
information. This option is useful if you want to fill in the gaps when GPRS connection was not
Minimal time to save data packets
- live positions live not be sent more often than this number of
Minimal distance to save data packets
- do not send live data if the vehicle has not moved more
than thin amount of metres
but send at least one position each
- send a position every X seconds even if the above conditions
are not met.
Save more positions on turns
- this gives a better trail especially around features like roundabouts.
- the unit can also send alarm SMS messages to the Alarm SMS Alert phone number on
the following criteria:
Power supply alarm
- send an alarm SMS if the unit is disconnected from the power supply (the
internal battery must be charged which may take up to 3 days)
Input 1 alarm
- trigger an alarm when the binary input 1 changes state to on or off. Select off if you
do not want to send alarms on input 1.
Input 2 alarm
- trigger an alarm when the binary input 2 changes state to on or off. Select off if you
do not want to send alarms on input 2.
Speed alarm
- send an alarm when the vehicle exceeds the stated limit in km/h.