© 2003 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA
2. Was the Tach Learn successful? The LED must light solid and bright to indicate a successful learn.
3. Make sure that there is a tach signal at the purple/white tach input wire of the remote start. If there is not
a tach signal, recheck the connection to the vehicle’s tach wire and make sure the wire is not broken or
shorted to ground leading to the remote start.
The vehicle will start, but will only run for 10 seconds.
1. Is the remote start programmed for voltage sense? Try programming the unit for low voltage reference. If this
does not work, a tach wire should be used.
2. Check diagnostics.
The climate control system does not work while the unit is operating the vehicle.
Either the wrong accessory wire is being energized or more than one ignition or accessory wire must be ener-
gized in order to operate the climate control system.