Directed Digital Solutions FORD5
© 2016-03-17 Directed. All rights reserved.
This feature is mandatory to control the immobilizer override in this firmware.
Key2GO has been designed and developed to bypass the advanced encryption layers found in modern vehicles. It uses an array
of servers to generate a duplicate of the original key, allowing the installation of a remote starter without having to give up a key.
The advantage is that this feature allows you to use one original key and the server to configure the bypass in the vehicle.
All Key2GO-compatible firmware are clearly indicated in the function list of each vehicle search result page and will also appear
on the flash page. Any first-time user must re-register to gain access to Key2GO, and some additional information will be required
to complete the registration process, such as your Directed account number and store name.
Key2GO is compatible with XpressVIP 4.5 or higher and requires an XKLoader.
Connecting the module
Before connecting the Directed Digital Solutions, it is important to ensure that the proper feature and function programming is
selected using the configuration wizard. Visit www.directechs.com to use the latest version of the online tool.
Flashing a module using your computer:
the main module from any (+) 12V power source, then
it to your computer using the
2. Go to
using Internet Explorer; the configuration wizard will be displayed automatically.
3. Follow the instructions in the pop up window that will be displayed when the module is detected.
Flashing a module using your smartphone or tablet:
the main module from any (+) 12V power source, then
it to the
2. Launch the
Directechs Mobile
app on your smartphone or tablet.
3. Select
and follow the on-screen instructions.
When the flashing operation is successful, you can proceed with the instructions below.
Manual or automatic transmission selection
The yellow loop on the Directed Digital Solutions controls which transmission type the unit is configured for. The state of the loop
(uncut or cut) when the main module is powered up will determine which type is selected.
• Uncut (default): Manual transmission.
• Cut: Automatic transmission.
For safety reasons, all Directed Digital Solutions are shipped ready to use with a manual transmission (the yellow loop is
untouched). If the loop is cut after power has been applied, it is necessary to cycle power to the main module (via the white 12-
pin main power harness) so the unit will see the state change on the loop and appropriately configure the transmission type.
Ready mode
To successfully remote start a vehicle equipped with a manual transmission, the Ready Mode feature must be enabled before
exiting the vehicle. Please refer to the Owner’s Guide for more details on this required process.