© 2 0 0 1 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .
The vehicle doors are protected by FACT differently. If your
security system is triggered by an open door for three full cycles,
the system will bypass the doors until the trigger ceases.
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This system has several important safety features to ensure
proper operation of the motor and prevent accidental damage to
the engine or its components.
over and under rev protection
The system monitors the engine speed and will automatically
shut the engine off if the RPMs rise above or fall below the
programmed levels. This feature prevents damage to the motor
due to fuel delivery system failures or other problems which may
cause the engine to race.
The system uses a wire connected to the vehicle to
sense engine speed. This wire must be connected in order
for over and under rev protection to work.
Arming and disarming the system does not reset
this function! The only ways to reset a bypassed zone are
for it to not trigger for 60 minutes, or to turn on the igni-
tion. If testing your system, it is important to remember
that the FACT programming can cause zones to be
bypassed and appear to stop working. If five chirps are
heard when disarming, FACT has been engaged. If you
wish to clear the FACT memory, turn the ignition on.