© 2 0 0 4 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .
and the system detects that you have left the vehicle by opening and
closing a door. Whenever the system is in its 30-second passive
arming countdown, the in-vehicle status LED will flash twice as
fast as it does when the system is armed. At the 20-second point of
the countdown, the siren will chirp to indicate that the system is
about to arm. At the 30-second point, the parking lights will flash
to indicate that the system is armed.
The remote responds to passive arming with one beep and the
Orange LED will flash 3-times to indicate successful arming of
the system.
When armed your vehicle is protected as follows:
Light impacts trigger the Warn Away
signal. When triggered,
the siren chirps and the parking lights flash for a few seconds.
Heavy impacts trip a Triggered Sequence. The sequence
consists of the siren sounding continuously and the parking
lights flashing for a pre-programmed period, which can range
in duration from 1 to 180 seconds.
If a door is opened, the system will immediately start
chirping the siren and flashing the parking lights. Three
seconds later, the siren output changes to a continuous blast.
This progressive response gives you time to disarm the system
with your 2-way remote if you inadvertently open the door
If any protected entry point (such as a door or a
switch-protected trunk or hood) is open, the system will
not passively arm (unless forced passive arming is pro-
grammed on. See Programming Options section.) Addi-
tionally, each time a sensor is triggered during the arming
countdown, the 30-second countdown starts over.