© 2 0 0 4 D i r e c t e d E l e c t r o n i c s , I n c .
H11//33 B
N (+) brake switch shutdown input
This wire must be connected to the vehicle’s brake light wire.
This is the wire that shows (+) 12V when the brake pedal is
depressed. The remote start will be disabled or shut down any
time the brake pedal is pressed.
Locate the factory brake wire using your meter. Find the switch
at the top of the metal arm coming off the brake pedal. There are
usually two wires connected to that switch. Locate the wire color
according to the web information. With your black meter lead
still in the kick panel, probe the suspected wire with the meter.
With the brake pedal at rest the meter should read zero. While
watching the tester, depress the brake pedal. The meter should
read 12V. Once you have located the correct brake wire, strip a
small portion of insulation off this wire and solder the small
BROWN (H1/3) wire on the main harness to it and wrap the
connection with electrical tape.
H11//44 G
Y (-) hood pin shutdown input
This wire must be connected to the hood pinswitch. This input
will disable or shut down the remote start when the hood is
Do not use the vehicle until you confirm the
operation of the brake shutdown.