Regular Expression
Caller/Called number prefix supports regular expression
Regular Expression Syntax
Basic Operation
Dial *158# to query the IP address of LAN port of the device;
Dial *159# to query the IP address of WAN port of the device;
Dial *114# to query the telephone number of a FXS port;
Restart the device:
(1) Dial *111# to restart the device;
(2) Click "system->Reboot" menu to perform reboot;
RST button:
(1) Under normal running status, press RST button 3 to 6 seconds will restore default username/password, and network
mode will be changed to route mode as well. Other configurations will keep the same;
(2) Under normal running status, press RST button 6 to 12 seconds, the device will restore factory default and reboot
(3) When the device is power off, press RST button more than 30 seconds after it power on, the device will clear all the
configurations and restore to mini-system management;
^0755 matches the phone number start with 0755
^0755\d{8,9} matches the phone number start with 0755 and following 8 or 9 digits number length
^0755|^8899|^0110 matches the phone numbers with starting digits of 0755, 8899 or 0110.
Matches the starting position in a number string. For example, ^134 matches the numbers
starting with 134.
Matches the ending position of a string. For example, 2$ matches the numbers ending with 2.
Separates alternate possibilities. For example, 2|3|4 means 2, 3 or 4.
Marks the next character as a special character, a literal, a backreference, or an octal escape.
Matches a single character that is contained within the bracket. For example, [123] matches
1, 2, or 3. [0-9] matches any digit from "0" to "9".
Matches any one character except those enclosed in [ ]. For example, [^9] matches any
character except 9.
Matches any single character except the newline character. For example, 3.4 matches
314, 324, 334, 344.
Indicates there is zero or one of the preceding element. For example, colou?r matches both
color and colour.
Indicates there is zero or more of the preceding element. For example, ab*c matches ac, abc,
abbc, abbbc, and so on.
Indicates there is one or more of the preceding element. For example, ab+c matches abc, abbc,
abbbc, and so on, but not ac.
Mark any digit, equal to [0-9 ].
Mark any character that is not a digit, equal to [^0-9 ].
Mark any blank character such as a space or a tab.
Mark any character that is not a blank character.
[ ]
[ ^ ]