Dinel, s.r.o.
Setup using programming wire at version FLD-32N-W-S
SO mode:
open when level decreases
For empty or partially filled vessel (level under the
lower edge of the sensor), the programming wire (P) is placed for about 2 seconds
on terminal 0V. Once the level reaches the upper edge of the sensor or when the
tank is full, the wire (P) is placed to +U terminal for the same time period (2 s).
SC mode:
closed when level decreases
For empty or partially filled vessel (level under the
lower edge of the sensor), the programming wire (P) is placed for about 2 seconds
on teU. Once the level reaches the upper edge of the sensor or when the
tank is full, the wire (P) is placed to 0V terminal for the same time period (2 s).
Note: The wire (P) is used only for programming the sensor. In all other situations it is
For comfortable setup of the FLD-32N-W-S sensor we recommend using of wall-mounted
evaluation unit Dinel, type SDSU-1222-W with setup buttons, power supply, optical status
indication and relay output.
Set up using magnetic pen MP-8 at version FLD-32N-M-S
The setup is made by using the magnetic pen MP-8 touching on a sensitive spot
on the
front side of the sensor. Short touch (for 2 s max.) of the magnetic pen on the spot
is used
to open the sensor, longer touch of the magnetic pen (for 4 s min.) closes the sensor. This is
used to set up the sensitivity to the measured medium and switching modes (SO, SC).
SO mode:
open when the level decreases
For empty or partially filled vessel (level below
the lower edge of the sensor), touch the magnetic pen on the sensitive spot for 2 s
(sensor opens). Once the tank is filled above the upper edge of the sensor,
touch the magnetic pen on the sensitive spot for 4 s at least
(sensor closes).
SC mode:
closed when the level decreases -
For empty or partially filled vessel (level below
the lower edge of the sensor, touch the magnetic pen on the sensitive spot for
4 s at least
(sensor closes). Once the tank is filled above the upper edge of
the sensor, touch the magnetic pen on the sensitive spot for 2 s max.
9 .
* The sensor with "S" type of output, with each flash of LED, closes for approx. 3 ms. This is a sufficiently short
period to avoid unwanted contact making of the connected relay. For binary inputs, we recommend setting up the
filtration so that pulses shorter than 3 ms are not detected.
** Setting of the close (open) limits to the same level or erroneous resolution between the "close" and "open" levels
(low medium permittivity).
control lamp
orange LED
permanent shine
– the sensor is closed
– the sensor is open
fast flashing
(0.2 s interval)
– setup error **
slow flashing
(0.8 s interval)
– short-circuit at the output of the sensor.