Issued by: PM approved by DG Rev.01 date 03/09/18 pag. 6/10
Feature available for
both Rapid Bike Evo
and Racing modules
AFR => My Tuning Bike installed
=> displays/modifies AFR
QS =>
kill time adjustment
Display shows the AFR measured by the My Tuning Bike’s
wideband O2 sensor, LEDs indicate AFR’s trend
AFR target can be modified only
with My Tuning Bike connected
“Cut-off” adjustment over the
software’s setting (±20ms)
Digital indication of
the actual gear ratio
LEDs indicate the actual
gear ratio: 4 LEDs on the
left → Neutral
Starting for the 5
LED, gears
from 1
to 6
are indicated
Pressing again button (-)
after -19 will display
“OFF”: quick shifter
feature is disabled
This parameter modifies the kill time of engine’s power.
In case of gear-based kill time, this parameter affects each
single value sets in the software
Adjustments range: ±10 (1 = 0,1 AFR)