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The benefi ts of Quantum
Quantum is designed to be a responsive heating system
that meets your comfort requirements while optimising
energy use.
The heater releases heat in two ways:
1. A small amount of heat is dispersed by ‘natural’
convection and radiation from the heater case.
2. The vast majority of heat is released using the built-
in fan that pushes hot air out from the heat outlet
grille at the bottom of the product.
Minimising the release of stored heat from the outer
casing means that more energy is available when
warmth is required. This makes more effi cient use of the
stored energy as you can ‘turn off’ the heater when you
are out or do not need it.
Heater Commissioning
IMPORTANT - The new materials in the heater will
produce a slight smell for the fi rst few days of operation.
Rooms must be well ventilated and young children,
caged birds, or persons with respiratory complaints must
not remain in close proximity to the heater during the fi rst
48 hours of operation.
During fi rst operation of the fan you may notice a small
amount of dust discharged from the air outlet grille at the
bottom of the product.