Using the CoPilot VL
Copyright 2019 Dilon Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Version 1.7
Copyright 2019 Dilon Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Version 1.7
Tips for Intubating with the CoPilot VL
After ensuring proper operational status and sufficient
battery charge, open a new CoPilot VL
+ disposable
sheath and place it over the video blade until it snaps
securely in place.
Keep your eyes on the PATIENT when inserting the
sheathed video blade into the mouth. Observe the
sheath passing into the oropharynx.
locate the
vocal cords on the display.
Only insert the video blade and sheath deep enough
to bring the epiglottis into view. Advance the tip of
the sheath into the vallecula. Then gently tilt the tip of
the sheath upwards until the vocal cords can be seen.
Inserting the video blade too deeply will make it MORE
difficult to pass the endotracheal tube into the glottis
despite a good view. This is the
most important
tip for
ensuring success with video laryngoscopy. Often, a
grade 2a or 2b can be easier to intubate than a grade 1.