General information and
1.1 About this manual
This manual is divided into chapters by the chapter number
and the large text at the top of a page. Subsections are
labeled as shown by the 1.1 and 1.1.1 headings. The
names of the chapter and the next subsection level appear
at the top of alternating pages of the manual to remind you
of where you are in the manual. The manual name and page
numbers appear at the bottom of the pages.
1.2 Special messages
Examples of special messages you will see in this manual
are defined below. The signal words have specific
meanings to alert you to additional information or the
relative level of hazard.
WARNING! This is a Warning symbol.
Warnings mean that failure to follow
specific practices and procedures may
have major consequences such as injury
or death.
CAUTION! This is a Caution symbol.
Cautions give information about
procedures that, if not observed, could
result in damage to equipment or
corruption to and loss of data.
NOTE: This is a Note symbol. Notes give
additional and important information,
hints and tips that help you to use your