© 2020 Digitrax, Inc.
2. Select the Locomotive on your DT602. Operations Mode programming
will program the active address on your DT602.
1. To enter the CV Programmer, press the . Main Menu A will display giv-
ing you a list of menu options. Select 2- CV Programmer by pressing the
key on the keypad.
2. You will be presented with CV Program Menu A. From this menu press
to select Po; Ops on Mainline.
3. In addition to Po; Ops on Mainline, the display will also show Ops Prg
ADR: followed by the address you will be programming on the mainline.
This information will be listed above entries for CV number and CV data.
CV number is the number of the CV you are changing. CV data is the
value you are programming into the CV number.
4. To change the CV number you are editing press the
“CVNUM”, then
use the keypad to enter the CV number you want to change.
5. Once you have the CV number selected press the
soft keys will change to “WRITE”, “READ”, and “BACK”.
6. Use the keypad to enter the value you wish to program to the CV number
you have selected. Press the
“WRITE” to save the data entered. The
Scrolling Help Text
line will read “Program Task OK” when it has suc-
cessfully programmed the value.
7. If you have Operations mode capability in the locomotive’s track section,
press the
“READ” to read the current value of the CV number you
have selected, see the note below.
8. Press
“BACK” to exit to the previous menu to select another CV to
change if you wish. If you are done editing CVs press
“DONE” or
key to return to normal operations.
OPS Mode Programming on most systems is
write only
, so you can
change a CV to a new value you want without knowing what it was in the
decoder. OPS mode read back requires Digitrax compatible transponding
decoders and transponding detectors on the layout in order to provide the two
way communication required for OPS Mode read back.