approach you will take to programming the PDS-3500 is dependent on your external MIDI controlled
effects and devices and how you are able to program them individually and their ability to be controlled
by external devices to them:
1. You can preset the effects and patches you want in your external units so that you may access the
combination of effects and patches with one MIDI program change number. Or,
2. You may "tune" each of your external devices to a different MIDI channel [this allows you to con-
trol up to 16 different units independently), and "assemble'’ the setup you want with a combination of
MIDI program change numbers transmitted over different MIDI channels to the respective devices you
wish to change. With this approach to programming the unit, it is necessary to limit your presets to 16,
as there are only 16 channels over which you can send MIDI program change numbers.
One additional concept is useful in programming the PDS-3500. When in the BANK/PRESET
MODE, think of the BANK as a song and the PRESETS as different setups for sounds within the song
and organize your songs into sets. And when in the BANK DUMP MODE, think of each bank with its
assigned presets as a single sound setup, and that to change to another sound or setup, you will have to
change to another BANK. With good planning THE MIDI PEDAL can be a super tool to help you control
your effects and other MIDI devices. Randomly accessing disorganized bank and presets can be awk-