The information contained here are property of DIGITAX Automotive Electronics Italy, and extremely confidential. Any disclosure, copying, distribution to third party
is strictly prohibited.
Transmit ForHire status to dispatcher?
- Transmit the ForHire status to the dispatcher? The allowed answer is either: 0 (No: don't transmit) or: 1 (Yes: transmit).
No / Yes
Transmit Stopped status to dispatcher?
- Transmit the Stopped status to the dispatcher? The allowed answer is either: 0 (No: don't transmit) or: 1 (Yes: transmit).
No / Yes
Transmit Hired status to dispatcher?
- Transmit the Hired status to the dispatcher? The allowed answer is either: 0 (No: don't transmit) or: 1 (Yes: transmit).
No / Yes
Block taximeter if driver ID is 0?
- Should the taximeter be blocked if the identification number of the driver is 0?
The allowed answer is either:
0 (No: don't block) or: 1 (Yes: block).
No / Yes
Assign ID 9999999 if driver ID is 0?
- Should driver ID 9999999 be assigned if the identification number of the driver is 0?
The allowed answer is either:
0 (No: don't assign) or: 1 (Yes: assign).
No / Yes
If driver = 0, must the meter show "Close" in For Hire mode?
No / Yes
Requesting Ticket the taximeter powers on the Printer? -
If Yes, after printing, the taximeter powers off the printer
No / Yes
NOT USED for F2 Plus
No / Yes
Must blank lines printing be avoided?
No / Yes
Is thermal printer in usage?
If yes, external thermal printer on Com 1 or Com 2 is enabled, else external printer is not used
No / Yes
Where the thermal printer is connected? (0 = Com 1 1 = Com 2)
No / Yes
Enable taximeter-dispatcher connection?
- Should the possibility to connect the taximeter with a dispatcher be enabled?
The allowed answer is either:
0 (No: disable) or: 1 (Yes: enable).
No / Yes
Dispatcher is connected to COM1 or COM2?
- Is the dispatcher connected to COM1 or to COM2 ? See also Q.383 and Q.385 to Q.387.
The allowed answer is either:
0 (No: COM1) or: 1 (Yes: COM2).
0= COM1 1=
COM1 protocol is Digitax or custom?
- The protocol used for data-transmission on COM1 is the Digitax protocol or a custom protocol?
See also Q.383, Q.384 and Q.386, Q.387. The allowed answer is either: 0 (No: Digitax protocol) or: 1 (Yes: custom protocol).
0= Digitax
1= Custom
COM2 protocol is Digitax or custom?
- The protocol used for data-transmission on COM2 is the Digitax protocol or a custom protocol?
See also Q.383 to Q.385 and Q.387. The allowed answer is either: 0 (No: Digitax protocol) or: 1 (Yes: custom protocol).
0= Digitax
1= Custom
NOT USED for F2 Plus
No / Yes
At Credit card payment in Stopped position, does the taximeter after card validation pass direct to For-Hire Position ?
No / Yes
NOT USED for F2 Plus
No / Yes
NOT USED for F2 Plus
No / Yes
Baudrate for COM 1:
what is the baudrate (transmission-speed) of COM 1? The baudrate is given in baud with an accuracy of 1 baud.
The allowed value goes from 0 (min) to 65535 (max).
0 - 65535 baud
Maximum packet length for COM 1:
what is the maximum length of a data-packet of COM 1? The packet length is given in byte with an accuracy of 1 byte. The allowed
value goes from 1 (min) to 512 (max).
0 - 512
Baudrate for COM 2:
what is the baudrate (transmission-speed) of COM 2? The baudrate is given in baud with an accuracy of 1 baud.
The allowed value goes from 0 (min) to 65535 (max).
0 - 65535 baud
Maximum packet length for COM 2:
what is the maximum length of a data-packet of COM 2? The packet length is given in byte with an accuracy of 1 byte. The allowed
value goes from 1 (min) to 512 (max).
1 - 512
Cost threshold for authorization:
this is the amount above which authorization is requested for acceptance of the payment of the fare with a credit-card.
The cost is given in the local currency with an accuracy of 1. The allowed value goes from 0 (min) to 1000000 (max). Below this, no authorization is required.
1 - 1000000
NOT USED for F2 Plus
0 - 1000000
NOT USED for F2 Plus
0 - 1000000
Time-out for authorization of payment
: this is the waiting-time during which authorization is requested for acceptance of the payment of the fare with a credit-card. If
the authorization is not obtained within this time then the request is considered denied. The waiting-time is given in seconds with an accuracy of 0.1 second. The allowed
value goes from 0.0 (min) to 6553.5 (max). The digit indicating multiples of 0.1 sec. (so at the right of the decimal point) will flash.
0 - 65535
Time-Out keyboard locked:
this is the time after which the keyboard gets unlocked (activated) automatically if WD-commands are not received anymore. As long as
this time has not passed the keyboard remains locked (not active).
This is valid for a time-out value of 1 or higher. A time-out value of 0 is a special case. In this case there is no time-out and the keyboard can only be unlocked by
means of an unlock-command (LM-command). See also paragraphs 2.1.2 (LM-command) and 2.1.22 (WD-command) of the commtax2 manual. The time is given in
seconds with an accuracy of 1 sec. The allowed value goes from 0 (min) to 255 (max).
Time out from trip start to accept forfait price.
0 - 65535
NOT USED for F2 Plus
Disable keys for n seconds at trip end
? It is possible to disable keys K1 K2 K3 K4 for some seconds (programmed with this) when the taximeter completes a trip.
Key bitmap enabled while the keyboard is blocked by overspeed
No / Yes
Tariff number to which are destinated all statistical memories calculated by the current block
Min. distance (in meters) which allows the trip to be saved
(if less, trip will be not considered and will be discarded)
Speed to block the keyboard of the taximeter:
this is the speed above which the keyboard of the taximeter gets locked. As soon as the speed becomes less than
this threshold the keyboard gets unlocked again. Normally the value programmed here is a low speed like for example 10 Km/h. The speed is given in Km/h with an
accuracy of 1 Km/h. The allowed value goes from 0 (min) to 255 (max). The value 0 is a special case. It means: disabled.