NB IoT Smart Access LDK400
1. Insert the mortise into the cut in the door, and screw in with small mortise screws.
IMPORTANT; Please make sure a small dot is at the top of the square whole in the
mortise for the handle before installing. If this dot is at the side or bottom of the lock, the
lock will not lock (see images on next page - page 10)
2. Screw in metal key cylinder with long screw (cylinder should already be placed inside
the mortise, if not insert into the hole) metal key cylinder can be replaced with a cylinder
of choice.
3. Thread the battery, PCB, and mortise connector cords together through large hole in
door, and join cords together
4. Insert fro
nt and back spindle’s and springs into mortise and push into back of handle
holes, and insert deadbolt long spindle into spindle hole and mortise
5. Push front and back covers up against the door, until it sits flush with the door (make
sure all the spindles sit in place)
6. Screw top and bottom screws together until the lock sits flush against the door
7. Insert batteries
8. Insert small black screw (use check/allen key to tighten - not provided)
NOTES: a nano SIM should already be fitted into the PCB (if not please get in touch with your
local distributor or send an email to [email protected].
Door handle direction (left or right) needs to be requested from distributor when an order is
placed (can work for left or right hand swinging doors, but distributor needs to be notified first)