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AIT2000 Installation & Operation Manual
Switching on your AIS transponder for the first time
The following section assumes that the AIT2000 has either been pre-configured by a dealer or that you have con-
figured it yourself using proAIS2. If this is not the case, please consult Section 6 before continuing.
When the AIT2000 powers up, the Green LED will illuminate briefly, then all four LEDs will flash once and then one
or more of the LEDs will illuminate depending upon the configuration state of the unit. The table below shows the
functions of the four indicators.
Indicator Function
Unit is powered up and operating normally
Unit is in a 'transmit timeout' period
Unit has experienced an error
Silent mode is activated
Under normal circumstances, the Yellow LED will illuminate whilst the AIT2000 is waiting for the GPS to get a po-
sition fix and make its first AIS transmission. This usually takes less than 3-4 minutes and once completed the Yel-
low LED will go out and the Green LED will illuminate.
The AIT2000 is now transmitting your position and as long as the Green LED is illuminated, you can be sure that
the AIT2000 is working correctly. The unit is constantly monitoring the supply voltage, GPS position and AIS
transmission and if any of these go outside of the normal operating specification, the AIT2000 will turn off the
Green LED and turn on the Red LED.
Switch functions
If you have installed an external “Silence” switch or you are using the proAIS2 software to control the AIT2000,
you can put the AIT2000 into 'silent mode'. In silent mode the transmission of your own vessel position ceases,
whilst the reception of other vessel's AIS position continues.
With the number of AIS equipped vessels increasing, it is good etiquette to only transmit in poor visibility, when
crossing a busy shipping lane or if taking part in a yacht race. At all other times you should use silent mode to stop
your AIS transmission from creating unnecessary clutter on other vessels chart systems.
When silent mode is active the blue indicator will be illuminated.
Indicator functions
The AIS transponder includes four coloured indicators as shown below. The state of the indicators provides in-
formation regarding the status of the AIS transponder.
The meaning of typical indicator configurations is shown in Table 3 on the next page.