Push-button Mode 4
Push-button Mode 4 is mainly used when the driver wants two hits at a tree using CrossTalk. When selected, the
Elite 95 allows the two hits at the tree with one button. The button is used to start both the primary and secondary timer
sequentially. However, starting the secondary timer will cancel the primary timer. The button needs to have one wire
connected to the PB 1 terminal and the other wire connected to +12 Volts. The first time the button is pressed, the Transbrake
is engaged and the cross/delay time ((Their Dial – Your Dial) + Delay 1) is loaded into the countdown timer (timer 1). When
the button is released, usually on the opponent’s first yellow, the countdown timer starts timing down. If the button is then
pressed again, the primary timer is stopped and canceled and the Delay 2 time is loaded into the countdown timer (timer 1).
When the button is released again, usually on the driver’s last yellow, the second countdown timer starts timing down. It
makes no difference whether the cross/delay time or Delay 2 is counted down. When the countdown timer reaches zero the
Transbrake is released. Before the Transbrake releases, if the primary countdown timer has already been canceled and Delay 2
time is being counted down and the button is pressed again the Delay 2 countdown timer will stop and reload. Upon release of
the button again the Delay 2 time will start counting down again.
While in Push-button Mode 4 the Elite 95 can Tap Up and Down on the same pass. The Tap Up and Down features
are controlled by two additional buttons. To connect the Tap Up button, connect one wire from the button to the PB 2 terminal
and the other wire to +12 Volts. To connect the Tap Down button, connect one wire from the button to the Tap terminal and
the other wire to +12 Volts.
Note: Push-button Mode 3 or 4 should only be used if the driver wants to take two shots at the tree with the same
button. Additionally, a quality button should be used (not a Micro Switch) to avoid excessive contact bounce.
Push-button Interrupt Time
The Push-button Interrupt Time is a safety feature that temporarily disables the buttons used to apply the Transbrake.
The Push-button Interrupt Time can be set from 1 to 99 seconds, with 00 being off. When the vehicle leaves the starting line
the button(s) that controls the primary and secondary Transbrake timers is disabled for the amount of Interrupt Time entered.
This prevents the Transbrake from being accidently applied by the driver inadvertently hitting a button during the race. Since
most Transbrake solenoids will only apply while in low gear, the Push-button Interrupt Time is usually set for the amount of
time the vehicle will be in low gear. If the vehicle’s Transbrake solenoid will apply in any gear above low, increase the
interrupt time to a value greater than the vehicle’s E.T.
Setting the Push-button Mode and Interrupt Time
To set the Push-button Mode or the Interrupt Time, press the 4 key, the Push-button Mode and the Interrupt Time is
shown on the left side of the screen. The left most digit shows “1”, “ 2” , “3” , or “4” to indicate which Push-button Mode the
Elite 95 is in. The two right digits show the programmable amount of Interrupt Time (00 to 99 seconds). Starting when the
Transbrake releases, the Interrupter disables the button(s) that controls the Transbrake solenoid. To change Push-button Mode
or the Interrupt Time first use the 2ND key to move the selection arrows to the left side of the screen. Then use the Up or
Down arrow keys to change the Push-button Mode. To change the Interrupt Time press the CLEAR key, then enter the desired
number value. For example “1 10” would indicate Push-button Mode 1 with a 10 second Interrupt Time. If no Push-button
Interrupt Time is wanted enter “00”.
PUSHBUTTON MODE 1: Means one button for one hit at tree.
PUSHBUTTON MODE 2: Means two Push-buttons for two hits at tree.
PUSHBUTTON MODE 3: Means one Push-button for two hits at tree.
PUSHBUTTON MODE 4: Means one Push-button for two hits at tree and the second hit cancels first hit.
Note: Only in Push-button Mode 1, 3, or 4 can the Push-button 2 terminal be used as the Tap Up button input.