2036 Fillmore Street, Davenport, Ia. 52804
Elite 95 Instructions
your purchase of the Elite 95, the second Delay Box of the new Elite Series from Digital Delay.
The new Elite Series of Delay Boxes has several additions while retaining all the features of the older Mega Series Boxes.
With the Elite Series, Digital Delay enhanced the Driver’s Reaction Tester by adding an LED to simulate the start of the tree
and by adding the ability to display the average of the reaction times during a practice session. The Elite Series also adds the
ability to Tap Up and Down on the same pass. Digital Delay has also added a fourth Push-button Mode to the Elite 95
designed especially for tracks using CrossTalk.
Warranty and Disclaimer .................................................................................Page 1
Features, and Specifications ............................................................................Page 3
The Terminal Strip ..........................................................................................Page 3
The Keypad .....................................................................................................Page 4
Setting Dial-Ins and Delay Times....................................................................Page 5
Setting and Displaying the Tap Up/Down .......................................................Page 5
Setting Push-button Mode and Interrupt Time ................................................Page 6
How Late .........................................................................................................Page 8
Understanding the Driver’s Reaction Tester ...................................................Page 8
Understanding and Connecting a By-pass Push-button .................................Page 8
Explanation of the 4-Stage Timer ....................................................................Page 9
Setting Stage Times .........................................................................................Page 9
Setting Throttle Mode ......................................................................................Page 9
Explanation of the Starting Line Enhancer ......................................................Page 10
Setting the Starting Line Enhancer Mode (S.L.E.) ..........................................Page 10
Mounting and Wiring the Unit ........................................................................Page 11