3. Pre-Installation Guidelines
The following tools are required for installation:
Standard wrench and Phillips head screwdriver
Standard drill with ½” bit (optional)
Cellular device operating on 800 or 1900 MHz bands (any USA or Canadian
cellular device except Nextel)
Wire fasteners (optional)
Multi-meter for testing electrical continuity and AC and DC line voltage (for
troubleshooting only)
Description of 4KMR-30U system
The 4KMR-30U Dual Band Wireless Amplifier/Repeater system provides cellular signal
coverage to interior areas that have low signal strength to adequately operate a cellular
phone. In these poor interior coverage areas it becomes difficult to place or receive calls
and usually results in a dropped call. The 4KMR-30U dual band amplifier/repeater
system provides increased reception indoors by filtering, re-directing and amplifying the
available exterior signal. This translates into fewer dropped calls with clearer connections
and stronger signals. The 4KMR-30U dual band system operates with all carriers in the
USA and Canada except Nextel/iDEN providers.
Functional Operation of
Separation Distance of 20' or more
plus a structure between outside and inside antennas
Installation requirement:
Cell Site
P/N 288-PW
P/N 240-30NM
30' Cable
P/N 135-RD
Inside Antenna
P/N DA4000MR
Amplifier/Repeater Unit
C e ll Sig na l d e gr ad e d
b y e x te rio r w a ll, dis ta nc e
tre e s & fo lia ge , e tc....
E n h a nc e d S ig n a l A re a
u p to 1 0 0 0 S F (1 roo m )
R e q u ir ed
m in . 20' p lu s stru ctu r e
b e tw een a n ten n as
R e q u ir ed
O u ts id e C ell S ig n a l
(-9 0 to -7 0d B m )
m us t be a ble to m a k e
a nd c om p lete c a lls
The 4KMR-30U system contains a dual band low power indoor antenna, 40dB gain
amplifier/repeater unit and 9dB gain omni-directional outdoor antenna. Both antennas
must be installed and operate in a vertical position. The indoor antenna must be used with
cable and stand. The outdoor omni-directional antenna, PN 288-PW, is installed outside