The LEDs on the OpenLogger are used to indicate the current status of the OpenLogger hardware as follows:
Orange On - Device is booting and not ready to use.
Green Flashing - Device is booted and ready to use, but not logging.
Green Solid - Device is logging to the RAM buffer and streaming is currently available.
Green and Orange Solid - Device is both logging and streaming.
Green Solid and Orange Flashing - Device is streaming to the RAM buffer, but logging to the SD card or through
Wifi has stopped
For the SD card, this usually indicates there is no more space on the SD card
Red Solid - One of the internal buffers was overrun
Filling the SD card does not cause an overrun condition
Red Flashing - Warning that the device is falling behind with keeping the buffers cleared
Blue Solid - Reserved for WiFi (not yet implemented)
Red blinking and Orange Solid - Device firmware updating
All user LEDs Solid - An error has occurred. Reboot the OpenLogger and report the error on the
Digilent Forum
LED Indicators