NetFPGA-SUME™ Reference Manual
Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved.
Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.
pins 15 and 16 of the main 20 pin connector of the standard ATX power supply must be shorted together, as
shown in Figure 3. If these pins aren't shorted together then the power supply will not turn on.
Figure 3. Pin 15 and 16 of Standard ATX power supply shorted together.
According to Revision 1.0 of the
PCI Express 225 W/300 W High Power Card Electromechanical Specification,
2x3 pin plug is guaranteed to deliver up to 75 watts of power, while the 2x4 pin plug is guaranteed to deliver up to
150 watts of power. While the board may be powered by either a 2x3 pin or a 2x4 pin PCI Express Auxiliary Power
plug, due to the potential for high power consumption, Digilent recommends using a 2x4 pin plug to provide power
whenever possible.
Figure 4. Power connector (J14).
Figure 4 describes pin-out of the power connector (header J14) when a 2x4 pin or a 2x3 pin plug is used. The
Sense0 and Sense1 pins are to be connected to GND when power is present, and left floating otherwise. Since the
2x3 pin plug does not include a Sense1 pin, it's possible to determine what type of plug is present, and thus how
much power can be consumed.
The FPGA logic can determine whether or not a 2x4 pin is present by enabling an internal pull-up on pin AW42 and
then checking the state of that pin. If logic '0' is seen on AW42, then a 2x4 plug is connected and up to 150 watts of
power can be drawn. If logic '1' is on AW42, then a 2x3 plug is connected, and the board's power consumption
should be limited to 75 watts or less.
2.2 Power Supply Topology
The high performance Virtex-7 FPGA, QDRII+ memories, and DDR3 memories featured on the NetFPGA-SUME
require several different supply voltages (supply rails) in order to function. These components also require that the
supply rails are sequenced on and off in a particular order. Table 1 lists the various supply rails, their nominal
voltages, and rated output currents.