Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
2. Select the programming tool named Basys MX3 corresponding to the board you want to program, under Licensed Debugger group.
3. Select the compiler you want to use.
Another useful tool included with MPLAB X is MPLAB X IPE. This tool allows the direct programming/erasing of the microcontroller,
but it does not provide an environment for writing, compiling, and debugging the code. Please see Microchip documentation for
instructions on using this tool.
It is often very helpful to include the xc.h header when writing code for the Basys MX3:
#include <xc.h>
This further provides the inclusion of another header (p32mx370f512l.h) into the project that provides useful definitions such as:
Register names
example (register LATA is set to 0):
LATA = 0;
Specific register bits that can be accessed using a structure having the name of the register suffixed by “bits”.
1.2. Programming Basics