Basys MX3 Reference Manual [Reference.Digilentinc]
The Basys MX3 is fully supported by Microchip’s MPLAB X IDE. See section 1 on Programming the Board for more information on using
the Basys MX3 in MPLAB X IDE. Digilent provides a set of libraries called the Basys MX3 Library Pack that adds support for all onboard
peripherals. This library pack can be downloaded from the
. The users may choose to implement their own functionality in
order to access Basys MX3 resources.
The Basys MX3 can also be used in Arduino IDE once the Digilent Core for Arduino IDE has been installed. Instructions for installing the
Digilent Core for Arduino IDE can be found on the Basys MX3 Resource Center.
Basys MX3 comes with a complete set of coursework designed to give teaching professionals flexibility in designing embedded systems and
other microprocessor courses. With almost 300 pages of material, “Embedded Systems Basys MX3 and PIC32MX370” covers topics from
toggling LEDs, motor control, and introduction to digital signal processing. Access to the full coursework is available on the Basys MX3
Resource Center.
Links to additional materials from Digilent and Microchip, including the Basys MX3 schematic and the PIC32MX370F512L datasheet, can
also be found on the Basys MX3 Resource Center.
The Basys MX3 uses a lot of devices to implement all of the functionality it provides (accelerometer, flash memory, motor driver, IRDA,
etc.). The manufacturers of each of these devices provide detailed descriptions of their functionality in their datasheets.
The Basys MX3 can be used with Microchip’s standard MPLAB X IDE. This software suite can be downloaded for free from the Microchip
website and includes a free evaluation copy of the XC32 compiler for use with the PIC32 microcontroller family.
MPLAB X IDE is the tool used to write, compile, program, and debug code running on the Basys MX3 board. Programming and
debugging a program on the Basys MX3 using the MPLAB X IDE is possible using the DEBUG USB connector. The board contains all
the required circuitry for MPLAB X to communicate with the onboard PIC32, so no additional programming tools need to be purchased.
When creating a new project in MPLAB X, a wizard allows you to setup the environment and device specific tools. The steps for this
include the following:
1. Select Microchip Embedded / Standalone Project, then use the “Select Device” option to specify the PIC32 microcontroller being
used: PIC32MX370F512L.
Software Support
Coursework and Additional Materials
1. Programming the Board
1.1. Programming Tools