Chapter 2: Installing FWx
Gently slide the card into the expansion slot. Make sure it is
oriented right-side up.
Secure the FWx to the back of the Mix Rack using the screws
that secured the expansion slot cover.
Secure the FWx card to the Mix Rack’s chassis by tightening
the captive thumbscrews (accessible from the open front
panel of the Mix Rack).
Cut the zip tie that secures the expansion card power cable
to the chassis, being careful not to cut the wires.
Attach an available internal power cable plug to the power
socket on the FWx card by holding the socket on the FWx and
pushing the plug firmly into the socket. When the power ca-
ble plug is correctly attached to the FWx card, the yellow wire
should be the first wire from the left.
Installing the FWx card in the back of the Mix Rack
Securing the FWx card to the Mix Rack’s chassis
Cutting the expansion card power cable zip tie
Attaching an internal power cable plug