2G GSM Gateway Voce
Supplementary Services
The supplementary services are available if supported by the GSM network operator. They can be enabled or disabled with a
DTMF phone connected to 2G GSM Gateway Voce by dialing special sequences keys.
It is possible enable or disable the call forwarding for the following calls:
• Unconditional
• If Busy
• If no answer
• If no reachable
The supplementary services can be enabled, disabled and checked with a speific keys sequence, according to the following
When the supplementary service is enabled, it remains active until you digit the disactivation sequence.
1. Hook off the phone, you hear the dial tone.
2. Enter the code to enable or disable the Call Forwarding (using a DTMF phone)
3. If the service is successfully enabled or disabled, you will hear the configuration tone (continuous tone repeated twice).
4. Hook on the phone to complete the procedure.
Enable Call Forwarding Unconditional
Disable Call Forwarding Unconditional
Status Request Call Forwarding Unconditional
Enable Call Forwarding Busy
Disable Call Forwarding Busy
Status Request Call Forwarding Busy
Enable Call Forwarding No Answer
Disable Call Forwarding No Answer
Status Request Call Forwarding No Answer
Enable Call Forwarding No Reachable
Disable Call Forwarding No Reachable
Status Request Call Forwarding No Reachable