8 D i C o n Fiberoptics GP700M Modular Platform
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to continue the installation process. The GP700M searches for a new plug-
in. If it finds a new plug-in, the GP700M displays the add plug-in confirmation dialog which
includes a description of the new component. A variable attenuator is described as "atten-
uator". A tunable filter is described as "filter". A multi-channel switch is described as
"Typel :
where M is the number of input channels (1 or 2), and N is the number of
output channels.
Figure 6: Add
Plug-In Confirmation Dialog
confirm operation
ENTER to add.
HELP twice to exit.
Press ENTER again to complete the installation of the plug-in. The GP700M displays a wait
screen while it updates the configuration of the plug-in and the instrument.
Figure 7:
Add Plug-in Wait Screen
Please wait!
After a plug-in has been successfully added the GP700M returns to the add plug-in instruc-
tion dialog, giving you the opportunity to add additional plug-ins or exit. Upon exiting, the
GP700M resets and finalizes the add procedure. After the reset completes, the screen dis-
plays a new display box for each plug-in that has been added. There is no difference
between the display box for a plug-in component and the display box for a permanent non-
modular component.
It is important to keep in mind that the modules are not plug-and-play. Each module
has to be properly added as described above before it could communicate with
GP700 instrument. Note that the identification number of each installed component
depends upon the order in which the components are added and not the slot loca-
tion to which the module is plugged in. For example, if your GP700M has one perma-
nent filter component and you install three additional filter plug-ins, the permanent
filter will be Fl, the first-installed filter plug-in will be F2, the second plug-in will be
F3, and the third will be F4. Added modules are slot independent. Therefore, they
could be swapped into any open slot and would still communicate properly with the
instrument. However, if you clear and re-install the plug-ins in a different order, each
individual plug-in will have a different identification number.
91507 Revision A3
11, 2005