About This Manual
About This Manual
This manual, the GP700M Modular Platform Operation Manual, assumes basic familiarity
with the GP700 interface. The GP700M Manual is intended as a supplement to the GP700
Programmable Flberoptic Instrument Operation Manual (doc. #91506).
The GP700 Manual describes how to control the GP700 and GP700M using the front panel
keypad, mini-programs, the RS-232 interface, and the GPIB interface. In addition, the
GP700 Manual gives optical and electrical specifications. If you are new to the GP700, you
should first familiarize yourself with the instrument and interface by reading the GP700
The GP700M Manual describes the unique features of the GP700M, and provides instruc-
tions for adding and deleting plug-ins. Once installed, plug-in components behave exactly
the same as permanent non-modular components. Refer to the GP700 Manual for informa-
tion about controlling installed plug-ins and other components.
Product Overview
DiCon's GP700M Modular Platform builds on the flexibility of DiCon's GP700 Programma-
ble Platform by adding modular plug-in capability. The GP700M shares the GP700's pow-
erful user interface at the same time it offers convenient and fast installation of fiberoptic
switches, tunable filters, and variable attenuators.
The GP700M can accommodate four or eight modular plug-ins, depending on the configu-
ration purchased. Additionally, the instrument can be configured with non-modular internal
components by request. The following diagrams show the four-plug-in and eight-plug-in
chassis options.
Figure 1:
GP700M With Four Plug-In Bays (Top View)
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91507 Revision A3
11, 2005