This OPERATION MANUAL explains how the DHOLLANDIA liftgate is manufactured, what safety devices are incorporated in its
design; and how to use the liftgate in a correct manner, that preserves the integrity of the machine over the intended lifetime and helps
maximize the safety of the operator and any bystanders.
The MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR MANUAL (separate) explains how to maintain and service the liftgate in the appropriate manner,
maximizing the safety of the operator and any bystanders, and ensuring the reliability of the liftgate over the intended lifetime.
The manuals must be kept with the liftgate at all times, as a reference book for the operators and technical service
DHOLLANDIA liftgates are designed to be fitted to commercial vehicles (commercial trucks, trailers and semi-trailers), and shall be used
exclusively to load and unload the goods transported on the vehicle it is fitted to, within the limits of the load chart, in compliance with the
operator instructions and safety instructions described in this manual.
Improper use of the liftgate will put the operator and other parties at great risk of serious bodily injury and death. Therefore, the use
of the liftgate is restricted to skilled operators only; who have been properly trained, and who know and understand the full contents
of this manual.
Unauthorized modifications to the liftgate can put the operator and other parties at great risk of serious bodily injury and death.
Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to modify the liftgate and its safety devices in any way.
Use of aftermarket or non-OEM replacement parts to repair or maintain the liftgate is strictly prohibited and may result in serious
bodily injury or death to the operator or any bystanders.
Improper use of the liftgate will put the operator and bystanders at great risk of serious bodily injury and death. Therefore, it is
strictly forbidden to use the liftgate in a different way, or for different purposes than described in the operation manual.
The liftgate must NEVER be used as an elevated work platform, to push loads, or to carry people.
The liftgate must NEVER be used as a wheelchair lift.