Note: these 3 points of contact usually include the 2 feet
positioned solidly on the platform, and a handgrip mounted to
the rear frame of the vehicle body.
To reduce the risk of serious bodily injury or death from falling, DHOLLANDIA recommends the use of guard rails
along the exposed edges of the liftgate platform. Guard rails may be purchased along with your liftgate at the initial
order, or may be purchased and retrofitted to your liftgate later. Please see www.dhollandia.com for further
information or contact your national DHOLLANDIA distributor. See page 3 for contact info.
If not standing solidly, an operator on
the platform risks serious injury or
death by falling off.
While riding on the platform, ALWAYS
make sure your footing is solid, and
ALWAYS maintain 3 points of contact,
as shown in the picture to the right.
Example: demountable guard rails